Author Topic: When customers refuse to buy  (Read 315 times)

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When customers refuse to buy
« on: May 23, 2022, 10:44:48 AM »

When customers refuse to buy, many sellers still blame "heavy aura" without questioning why customers leave without buying but your competitors are chosen by customers. There is no customer as "heavy" as you think, the reason the customer refuses the "offer" comes from yourself.

1. Selling the wrong target audience

The first reason customers turn down your "offer" is because they don't have money. The first factor that businesses must determine is the target audience. What age will your customers be, what personality traits will they have, and how much their monthly income will be. Target customers are those who can afford to pay for your products and importantly, if they have a need for that product.

For example, you are a sales person for the real estate market - requiring the target customer to be someone with economic ability, wishing to buy to live or invest. The potential customers you define are people aged 30 and over.

Entrepreneurs localize the target audience and find ways to bring their products to them. There are other objects you can ignore or not care about. For example, customers at school, students, they will not have the ability and need for your product.

2. Can't solve "pain"

The second factor that helps you to successfully close the order is to identify the needs of the customer, what are they needing, what is missing? If the problems customers urgently need to solve are 'pain', then your product is like a cure-all for them.

It is very important to clearly identify the needs of customers, because customers only want to buy when their needs are necessary. When making a purchase, the customer gets to solve the problem and get what they want, not what you're selling.

If you only focus on the products you want to sell without paying attention to the needs of your customers, it will only cost you a lot of time, effort and money. As for the customer, they will feel annoyed, annoyed and have a bad impression of your product.

3. Can't handle customer's refusal

The reason of "can't process the customer's objection", you can't sell the product is still your fault. To distinguish a professional salesperson, talent is in your ability to turn a customer's refusal from no to yes or not?

When customers still do not understand anything about your products, even though they have the need and ability to pay, they still refuse your offer as usual. The reason customers refuse the "offer" lies in the fact that you are not really skillful, the way you offer has not really attracted customers.

Being a sales person requires you to have good communication, persuasion and negotiation skills. These skills no one can teach you nor any books record, it is formed in the process of you "colliding" with life.

The elite salesmen are like a hypnotist, they can use their words to hypnotize customers to make them unconsciously withdraw money to buy goods for you.

Remember, when customers say "NO" to you, it doesn't mean that they don't like the product, there is no need for the product, they mean "CONQUER ME".

4. Failing to give “urgency”

The reason why customers don't buy your product even though they have a need is “why should I buy it now?” After the exchange between you and the customer is over, if they don't buy your product but buy a competitor's product, this is your fault.

People often have procrastination in order to sell, you have to give "urgency" reasons by limiting the time and quantity to make customers buy NOW.

The reason the customer refuses the "offer" lies in you, not in the customer. Be a smart, quick and clever salesman to satisfy even the most demanding customers.

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