Author Topic: Rustam Gilfanov’s Viewpoint on How to Commence a Digital Detox  (Read 212 times)


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The gadgets are tools that help us reach our aims to boost our productivity. Countless notification sounds distract us. News on social sites and from Telegram channels pop up from time to time. From this point of view, the latest technologies cause more harm than advantage. They steal our precious time and increase our anxiety levels.

The Co-founder of an international IT company and shareholder Rustam Gilfanov consults about how to begin digital detoxing, turn your work to a more fruitful one, and make your life more comfortable.

Rustam Gilfanov states, “I use my smartphone for about five hours a day. It is less than the globe’s average number, which is 6 hours and 42 minutes.” He spends a huge amount of his time on his occupational duties and development. The time Rustam devotes to his loved ones, as well as social sites, takes only an hour.

As said by Rustam Gilfanov, an indifferent attitude to your time on the phone leads to reduced efficiency and greater anxiety, along with problems with real-world communication and social life.

1. Delete useless apps and channels
Find out what applications you use one time a week or less and get rid of them. Divide the apps in your phone into folders to access them later. Unsubscribe from interest groups, channels in social platforms that you are likely to skip.

2. Turn the sound off your notifications
Leave only the ones crucial for your work. Turn off the remaining alerts so they will not distract you during the day when you have to concentrate on your work.

3. Spend one hour free from your phone
Devote free time to yourself by switching on the airplane mode, putting your mobile device away in a different place. Grab a book, prepare dinner, have fun with your family. Feel the value of time with no smartphone. If you handle this task, you can start practicing digital detox for the entire day on your holiday.

4. Do not use your mobile phone in bed
Leave your gadget for the night in another, then take your regular watch and set the alarm.

5. Find people with similar views among your coworkers and friends
These are the people, who you can always talk to about your growth, support each other, or share emerging problems.

Rustam Gilfanov highlights that, similar to any fixed habit, technology dependence with its useful features is not something easy to give up. Therefore, when you are shifting to a more collected lifestyle and trying to depend less on your gadgets, it sounds reasonable to do it step-by-step. Gilfanov advises trying to implement limitations one by one. In no time, you will realize that you have ceased blaming your gadget for your insomnia or missed deadlines.

Brief Biography

Rustam Gilfanov was born in the suburbs - Basim (Perm Region) on January 6, 1983, in the family of a teacher and a military man.

Rustam Gilfanov is an IT business owner, an international shareholder, and Co-founder of IT Company.

With his business partners, The IT investor Rustam Gilfanov founded a prosperous outsourcing company in Kyiv in 2006. Currently, the firm is the most successful gaming, marketing, and financial software developer.

To focus completely on international investing in aspiring IT projects in the areas of gaming, commercial technologies, and streaming, Gilfanov stopped his work in the IT Company several years ago. Besides, Rustam Gilfanov attaches a high significance on developing charity projects within the territory of Ukraine. The top ones among them are “Libraries of the Future” with “Lucky Books.”

Rustam Gilfanov is married and has one daughter.

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