Author Topic: Tech Leader Cambay Consulting launches “Work from Home” Solutions to help retain high business produ  (Read 327 times)


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Cambay Consulting believes that now is probably the best time for a company to quickly build capability to facilitate and accelerate remote work. There are so many business benefits of moving to a digital workplace in the cloud, because sometimes there are critical decisions which cannot be pushed back or postponed even during such tumultuous times.

In today's global situation, the dire need of the time is to ensure that growing businesses are protected from a turbulent economic and social environment. Large scale uncertainty not only impacts employees’ health and productivity, but also the prospects of business continuity and financial results.
Doing things remotely or virtually is a critical path to protecting a business and its staff.
The better a company prepares and reacts to the transient, ever-changing reality, the lower its lasting impact will be. If you want to increase your organization’s efficiency and productivity to unknown external variables, Cambay Consulting powered by Microsoft can help implement the latest applications and technologies to propel your workspace into the modern digital age. Many organizations are doing this as part of a wider modernisation plan, however recent events have driven them to accelerate their digital initiatives.
Tech Leader, Cambay Consulting, has always kept the latent needs of its clients in mind and accordingly creates solutions that cater to their immediate requirements. Cambay takes pride in now launching its “Work from Home Solutions, powered by Microsoft to empower clients to provide their employees with tools and applications, so they can work safely and securely from anywhere. To make sure employees stay productive regardless of their work environment, Cambay Consulting helps an organization to adopt the use of advanced collaboration software, Microsoft Teams, which is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integration.
Cambay Consulting believes that now is probably the best time for a company to quickly build capability to facilitate and accelerate remote work. There are so many business benefits of moving to a digital workplace in the cloud, because sometimes there are critical decisions which cannot be pushed back or postponed even during such tumultuous times.
In the future too, situations may arise which will require people to work remotely, as we see more and more city slickers wanting to go back to the grassroots to reconnect with nature and its elements. Here remote location working will emerge as the next big alternative method of working where companies can still work at full throttle irrespective of where their employees are located. It's not too far away when employees will work from the confines of their homes, or from their countryside lodges, or from other unconventional places at their own convenience. Geography is truly history today and any place with an internet connection is a place which is a potential office for employees.
Since Teams is a fully cloud-based solution, the move to the cloud is seamless. Being able to access information from anywhere on any device is certainly a huge business benefit.
In addition, with the workplace on the cloud, a business can reap the benefits of big data processing and Artificial Intelligence to work smarter.
The newly launched quickstart “Work from Home Solutions by Cambay, powered by Microsoft Cloud technology is very scalable and CAPEX-light. Cambay Consulting helps to ensure that businesses worldwide don’t have to hit the pause button, irrespective of external circumstances - be it manmade or natural calamities of any scale. Anyone can work from wherever they want with the help of Microsoft Teams despite cancellations, freezes and lockdowns. Teams increases an organization’s overall productivity by making all collaborations - conversations, chats, online meetings, shared files, tasks, etc. available in one single app and one single interface. In addition to the widely used apps from Microsoft, there are a wide range of 3rd party apps that integrate into Teams so that employees never have to leave the Teams app to get their work done.
The top advantage and the reason for a spike in the usage of remote communication tools like Microsoft Teams is that it helps various stakeholders to work as smoothly and seamlessly, from anywhere in the world, as they would if they were working in the same conference room.

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