Author Topic: 50 Skills to Teach Your Sons  (Read 296 times)

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50 Skills to Teach Your Sons
« on: July 31, 2023, 05:14:14 AM »

1. Camping: plan a weekend camping trip to explore the outdoors; pitch a tent, build a campfire, enjoy bonding time

2. Fishing: teach your kids the art of fishing and patience, (and how to clean a fish)

3. Woodworking: pick a DIY project to do together (birdhouse, toy car)
4. Sports: get outside and play a game of catch

5. Car maintenance: teach the basics (change a tire, check oil, etc)

6. Grilling: teach proper heat, marinades and rubs, how to flip meat

7. Martial arts: join a boxing or jiu jitsu gym together, or just punch a heavy bag

8. How to throw a punch: proper foot and shoulder position, how to guard your face

9. Gardening: plant a small garden together, learn how to care for & nurture the plants

10. Astronomy: get outside and look at the stars, talk about the constellations

11. Biking: just go do it

12. Home improvement: change lightbulbs, fix toilets together, etc

13. Chess: one of my favorites, teach strategy, thinking several moves ahead

14. Model building: build model cars/airplanes/trains, emphasize attention to detail

15. Geocaching: a modern day treasure hunt

16. Archery: kids love this, teach technique and patience

17. Rock climbing: builds strength, coordination, and trust

18. Metal detecting: more treasure hunting (bonus points for hiding treasure ahead of time)

19. Photography: teach composition, basics of different lenses

20. Emotional intelligence: how to understand and manage emotions, empathize with others

21. First aid basics: CPR, bandaging wounds, Heimlich

22. Cooking essentials: teach basic healthy meals, kitchen safety

23. Goal setting: create achievable goals, strategies to hit them

24. Public speaking: practice confidently & effectively speaking in front of the family

25. Manners: teach proper social behavior in your region

26. Networking: how to win friends and influence people

27. Basic sewing: how to patch clothes, sew a button

28. Decision-making: how to make a decision based on facts

29. Digital literacy: online safety, basic excel skills

30. Negotiation: learn leverage, create win-wins

31. Laundry & clothing care: washing/folding/stain removal

32. Home security: secure your living space together

33. Environmental stewardship: leave spaces cleaner than you found them

34. Travel: basic planning, how to create itineraries

35. Map reading: kids love maps, teach how to interpret them

36. Electrical skills: safety and handling minor issues (circuit breaker etc)

37. Reading comprehension: analyze and critically evaluate written material

38. Time management: prioritize tasks, set deadlines, avoid procrastination

39. Job interview skills: do mock interviews together

40. Resume writing: write mock resume's together

41. Self-reflection: learn personal strengths and weaknesses

42. Work ethic: teach dedication, punctuality, dependability, thoroughness

43. Bike maintenance: how to fix a tire, adjust brakes, etc

44. Volunteering: go do it together

45. Art appreciation: visit a museum

46. Resourcefulness: thinking outside the box

47. Personal safety: how to avoid dangerous situations

48. Conflict de-escalation: techniques to defuse tense situations

49. Posture: stand up straight, shoulders back, eyes forward

50. Study habits: learn how to learn

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John 3:16-18 ESV
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son (Jesus Christ), that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.

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