Author Topic: A True "EPIC" Fantasy Novel, The Corral Ring is a Brilliant Blend of Fantasy Sub-genres  (Read 289 times)


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Sittingbourne, May 16, 2020 (  - Set in an alternate medieval Britain after the fall of Camelot, The Corral Ring, a new novel by Thomas Richards, blends epic fantasy with magical realism and Arthurian Legend to deliver a rich world brimming with fantastic lore. While released as volume one of The Ambrosius Chronicles: Awakening, The Corral Ring has been praised for its success as an entertaining self-contained novel in its own right.

Richards began writing in 2017 as an outlet for his imagination while seeking employment as a software engineer. Rather than focus on honing his ability by creating multiple short stories, Richards started by developing an entire world in which to base his fiction. Drawing inspiration from object-oriented design concepts and principles, the result was a brilliant mythos with a detailed yet elegant system of magical lore.

☆☆☆☆☆ “I found myself utterly engaged with Richards’s writing. He is exceptionally eloquent, his narrative, characters and dialogue are infused with humour and loaded with the author’s personality; the sentences he constructs are clever, interesting and witty.” – Matt McAvoy

The Corral Ring begins following Zeke Stone, a young sorcerer whose only focus is earning an apprenticeship from the Wizard Council when dark forces threaten what unity remains in Albion. Representatives of London, led by their supreme sorcerer, arrive at Norwich with accusations of warlocks attacking their kingdom. Zeke, now the tower guard’s latest recruit, unwittingly becomes a pawn between the Wizard Council and enemies long thought vanquished. Under the threat of war with the great kingdom of Mercia, the council’s race to learn the secrets of a dark object and uncover the plans and identity of their adversary place Zeke in the middle of an unlikely alliance where he must fight for his life, his future, and the future of Albion.

Lauricia Matuska on Reedsy Discovery posted: “The worldbuilding is richly layered, the magic system deeply thought out, and the characters complexly developed. The plot moves at a nice pace, keeping readers intrigued without losing or overwhelming them. There are even a few plot twists delivered in such a way that attentive readers suspect them moments before they are revealed, which gives the satisfying sense of being in on the surprise without feeling that the story is predictable.”

Published on May 16th 2020 by Biugil Books (an imprint of the author) and boasting 384 pages in a 5.5x8.5” trim, The Corral Ring can be found online through major eBook retailers, including Amazon, Kobo and iBooks, for just £7.99. Paperback copies are also available online from Waterstones and Amazon for £12.99.


Thomas Richards is a software engineer and law graduate. A creative and perhaps overactive mind drew him to those areas. Then he discovered an appetite for fantasy fiction. It wasn’t long before writing became the go-to outlet for his creativity, and his passion drove him to take it further. On the days that Tom isn't working on his mythos or dreaming up new fictitious scenes, he can be found taking long walks while plugged into an audiobook, practising Wing-Chun and Karate, or telling someone that he really should take up cycling again. More information about his novels can be found at:, Facebook and Twitter.

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