Author Topic: Col. Vicente Kuelles Nunag, Jr. World War 2 Hero  (Read 998 times)

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Col. Vicente Kuelles Nunag, Jr. World War 2 Hero
« on: September 23, 2020, 12:15:58 PM »
Col. Vicente Kuelles Nunag, Jr.
(Alias Captain Robin Hood)

Also dubbed as the “Lone Wolf” of the Bohol Guerilla Force against the invading Japanese Imperial Army. He was the second in command and the most trusted officer of Captain Vincente T. Cubero alias Francisco Salazar when they fought valiantly in Ubujan, Tagbilaran on October 22, 1942. Upon Salazar’s death, he assumed command of the entire force. With Robin Hood as his nom de guerre (pseudonym), he conducted lighting raids against the Japanese at their garrison in Poblacion, Tagbilaran.

Col. Vicente K. Nunag, Jr. was born on January 24, 1920, in Tamparan, Lanao, to then Major Vicente Nunag, Sr. and Emilia Kuelles. His mother was a native of Valencia, Bohol.

The young Nunag was inducted into the United States Army Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) in Carmen, Bohol on March 27, 1942, Capt. Victoriano Blancas, was the Commanding Officer of the USAFFE forces in Bohol. Nunag who later became Combat Head of the “Behind the Clouds” troops in one of those who have survived the rigors of World War II to tell the story of the men who had vowed to fight for God and country.

When then Lieutenant Nunag was asked whether he would surrender under Proclamation No. 1, which gave all those who resisted against the enemy a chance to lay down their arms to the Japanese Imperial Army, Nunag answered a categorical No! Despite the strong supplication of his father, then Major Vicente Nunag, Sr. (became Colonel and PC Provincial Commander of Jolo) who was the Inspector of the Bureau of Constabulary in Cotabato. Nunag and his men continue to defy the enemy.

By July 16, 1942, Nunag had under him a few determined men that composed the famous Baang Guerilla Force in Balilihan, Bohol, which later fused with Capt. Francisco Salazar’s force in “Behind the Clouds.” The “Behind the Clouds” Force headquarters was in barrio Maitum, Balilihan (now under Catigbi‑an), Bohol.
On September 27, 1942, in Moalong, Loon, with Capt. Francisco Salazar and his men, against two truckloads of Japanese combat soldiers and constabulary men who were under orders to burn the towns of Calape, Tubigon, Clarin and Inabanga. Nunag caused one of the enemy trucks to turn and fall into the sea after he threw a hand grenade right smack on the driver’s seat. Capt. Salazar, Lt. Nunag and their men annihilated the entire enemy on sight.

On October 22, 1942, in Ubujan, Tagbilaran, Nunag shot down the mustached Japanese Captain who was leading a combat column into the trap. He fought bravely in Ubujan, terminating the Japanese invaders, however, his commander Capt. Salazar died in the battle.

On November 20, 1942, Nunag was designated as Commanding Officer of “A” Company, 1st Battalion of the Bohol force under PMA graduate Lt. Urbano Caldoza with headquarters in Cortes, Bohol. On May 3, 1943, he was Commanding Officer of the whole 1st Batallion replacing Caldoza. Then, on January 1 until August 28, 1944, he was Executive Officer of the 84th Infantry under Major Sofio Bayron. His last stint with the Bohol Area Commanders was as Commanding Officer of the 85th Infantry Regiment in Calape, Bohol.

Nunag served as technical assistance on peace and order and warden of the Bohol Detention and Rehabilitation Center (BDRC) (now Bohol District Jail, BDJ) during Governor Constancio Torralba’s administration. He was vice president of the World War II Bohol Historians Association.

Col. Vicente K. Nunag Jr., retired and never skipped the annual anniversary rites of the battles fought by the guerrilla forces in Bohol since 1997 until 2006, the year he died.

Bohol Provincial Library Archives

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