Author Topic: One-on-One with Ruth Bersano Cahulogan of Guindulman, Bohol  (Read 2166 times)

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One-on-One with Ruth Bersano Cahulogan of Guindulman, Bohol
« on: December 22, 2009, 10:20:00 AM »
Written by Loy Palapos

      “Nobody from the mountain barangays of Guindulman, has ever been elected to the Sangguniang Bayan.” These were the words of Mr. Ruth Bersano Cahulogan (RBC) when I interviewed him last Monday. When I hinted at discrimination as the reason for the repudiation, he did not negate it, although he adhered to the belief that it is merely a question of acceptance. There could be some tint of condescension for “highlanders” spoused by some well-heeled personalities in the lowlands; but as far as Ruth Cahulogan is concerned, the up-trend is geared to acceptance.

      But there is no need to get depressed or be waylaid by this predicament. It is for the highlander to prove his worth, and Mr. Cahulogan has decided to be the first to try if a mountainer can now be a part of Guindulman’s lawmaking body. He has filed his certificate of candidacy as Councilor of the developing Municipality.

      Who is Ruth B. Cahulogan? I met him at my ICM Office last October when my staff and I were busy preparing for the 22nd Alturas Drum and Bugle Corps Showdown. He was the first Alumni Association President to consult with me in his school’s participation in the “Greatest Show in Town”. He studied at Mayuga, both in his elementary grades and high school. He is a Geological Engineer from the University of Bohol, where he was President of Student Council before graduation. Until today he is still with UB as a fourth year Law student.

        After College he worked as a Tax Mapper at the Municipal Assessor’s Office of his hometown. Then he went to Manila and Quezon City as Sr. Appraiser (EZAI and Hexagon Group of Companies). Back in Bohol, he ventured into radio broadcasting as a volunteer (“The Voice of Truth, DYTR), then was assigned Chairman of the LAKAS-KAMPI-CMD staff in Guindulman. Cahulogan presently works as a Legislative Researcher at the Office of the Vice Mayor.

      Involvement is Mr. Cahulogan’s passport to acceptance. A “highlander” becoming President of the UB Supreme Student Council is no ordinary feat. When he was elected President of the Mayuga National High School Alumni Associaton, he knew he was ready for another challenge. His efforts paid off. His Alma Mater’s contingent placed second in the November 22 competition, unprecedented for a mountain barangay.

LMP: In the last Alturas Drum and Bugle Corps Showdown, the Mayuga National High School made a very impressive performance, which we did not expect from a newcomer. And I learned, that one of the formidable factors was the help of the community and the teachers plus the alumni. As Alumni President of Mayuga National High School, why did you take upon yourself to be so deeply involved with the project?

RBC: Since childhood, I love to help, especially the school which made me a better person. When I was elected as the President of the MNHS Alumni Association, I learned the need of having a Drum Corps we can be proud of. I committed to the project. It’s for the sake of helping the youth, by taking them away from drugs.

LMP: When you speak about Alumni Association, you are speaking of not just one person, but a lot. How were you able to encourage the other alumni of Mayuga to help you in the project?

RBC: We did a lot of serious of meetings, then I told them that in order to encourage the students of Mayuga National High School, we, the alumni, should help them to pursue their goal of having a well-established Drum and Bugle Corps.

LMP: How is your relationship with the faculty of the school?

RBC: I am so very thankful to them because they are so good and nice, considering that the Alumni Association is separate from the Administration. However, there were times we didn’t agree with each other; but then we pursued with our common concerns and settled things out.

LMP: Is the Parents-Teacher Association also existing?

RBC: Yes, Sir.

LMP: Did this group help?

RBC: Yes, they did.

LMP: So, it was really a community endeavor?

RBC: Yes, Sir.

LMP: And congratulations, for it was a big success.

RBC: Thank you.

LMP: Are you joining the Showdown next year?

RBC: We had a meeting and decided that we will join.

LMP: And aim for the first place?

RBC: Yes, hopefully. It was never our expectation that we would win as the second placer considering that we are a newcomer and a neophyte to the Showdown.

LMP: Let’s talk about politics. How do you assess your Mayor?

RBC: Mayor Maria Fe Aniana Piezas, our Municipal Mayor, is development oriented.

LMP: What was her profession before politics?

RBC: She is a Doctor by profession.

LMP: A Doctor of Medicine?

RBC: Yes, sir.

LMP: Did she leave her profession in favor of politics?

RBC: As far as I know, Sir, she was able to retire from her profession in the States, and came back to serve Guindulman.

LMP: How do you find her as the Chief Executive of Guindulman?

RBC: She is absolutely good. After a couple of years, now we can see that Guindulman is one of the developing towns.

LMP: So, you would like to consider her as one success story of a Mayor.

RBC: Yes, Sir!

LMP: Now, let’s go the Provincial level. There are three aspirants for Governor: Chatto, Herrera and Montano. Of the three, whom do you think has an edge over the other?

RBC: In my own opinion Sir, I believe that Congressman Chatto and Vice Governor Herrera have the capability for the job of Governor.

LMP: Would it be a big distance between the two?

RBC: In my own assessment, not much. Just slightly!

LMP: How about Montano?

RBC: Montano?As far as I know, he’s a good actor; but then, in my personal opinion, I never saw him as a good leader who could lead the Boholanos.

LMP: But he is one of the best actors in the country?

RBC: As an actor, yes! But as a leader, there’s no sample yet.

LMP: Let’s go to the national level. If there is an election today, whom are you going to consider for the presidency?

RBC: First and foremost, I have two choices: Gibo and Noynoy. But if there is an election today, I prefer Noynoy Aquino to be the President of the Republic of the Philippines.

LMP: Why?

RBC:  Because he has no dirty record so far. He does not make himself controversial like others in Congress and he has a good background.

LMP: Is it because he is the son of Cory and Ninoy Aquino?

RBC: Yes. I was one of the supporters of the former President Cory Aquino and Ninoy Aquino and I believe that their son could be a President.

LMP: How about the other choice?

RBC: If ever I may not support Noynoy Aquino, I go for Gibo, considering his intelligence, knowledge and capability.

LMP: Do you believe that these assets are not possessed by the other candidates? Or would you say that Gibo has more of these than the others?

RBC: I agree that Gibo has more of these than the others.

LMP: So, you have heard that he is a bar topnotcher?

RBC: Yes! And it is one thing the others cannot be proud of.

LMP: What do you comment regarding political dynasty?

RBC: I’m personally against political dynasties because it doesn’t give others the chance to lead. Like in our Province, we have more than a million people. Don’t tell me the wisdom to lead is a monopoly of a few families. It seems that it restrict others of the chance to show their knowledge.

LMP: But then you have to understand that in election, it is not the capability that counts. It’s the money.

RBC: Yes, Sir! In the Philippines.

LMP: Even in Bohol. What can you do about it? The dynasties will still go on.

RBC: Because of money, and dynasties will remain if voters will vote depending on the money given by the candidates. The dynasties in Bohol will never cease because of the money given during campaign. Among the top Boholano candidates, only Governor Aumentado has no dysnasty.

LMP: Have you noticed that? Do you mean, comparatively, he’s much better than the rest?

RBC: On that ground, I agree with you, Sir. Since childhood, I admired him so much. He was one of the strivers at the Rafael Palma College (University of Bohol). And I was once a striver too. So we have something in common.

LMP: Let’s go to the development in Bohol. There are those who say that Bohol should concentrate in Tourism. Another sector said, Bohol should concentrate in Agriculture. As far as you are concerned, which is the priority? Agriculture or Tourism?

RBC: I believe it is tourism, Sir.

LMP:  Why?

RBC: Bohol is known as one of the best tourist destinations not only in the whole country but even outside Philippines. So, I believe that leaders should prioritize it. We have to capitalize on our natural wonders.

LMP: Should there be more investment in Tourism rather than Agriculture?

RBC: Not necessarily forgetting Agriculture. But we should concentrate on Tourism.

LMP: What are the tourist attractions of Guindulman, as far as you know?

RBC: As far as I know, we have nice white, sandy beaches.Our clean and green environment, since we are able to preserve their cleanliness and beauty.

LMP: Economically, how is Guindulman compared to other Municipalities in Bohol?

RBC: Guindulman is still a 4th class Municipality. But due to some projects that the present Administration has, such as the Public Market, they give additional opportunities to Guindulmanons.

LMP: Is this the Project of the current Mayor?

RBC: Yes, Sir. And it helps the Guindulmanons a lot.

LMP: How about Agriculture in Guindulman? Is it moving up or on a downtrend?

RBC: I believe it is upway, Sir.

LMP: What are the projects of the Local Government Unit, of the municipality?

RBC: We have some livelihood projects in the respective Barangays in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture and other government agencies.

LMP: What are these projects?

RBC: Seminars regarding livelihood projects are conducted, aside from on-going activities.

LMP: Is there no pinpointed livelihood project?

RBC: So far, there’s no livelihood project in the Upper land yet. But in Poblacion, the Administration had already constructed a Fish Port that will help the fishermen, and at the same time increase the economy of Guindulman.

LMP: I heard you are running for Councilor in Guindulman?

RBC: Yes, Sir.

LMP: What inspired you to file a candidacy and run as Councilor?

RBC: If you will try to look at the situation in Guindulman, no one from the Upper Barangays represents the voice of the people. And for so many years, even up to now, this is still the situation.

LMP: Like Metro Manila where all the Senators are there?

RBC: Yes Sir! That’s one we need to change.

LMP: So, one of these Upper Barangays is Mayuga?

RBC: Yes, Sir.

LMP: Why is it that the other Barangays in the previous elections were not represented?

RBC: In my own opinion, it is because the people who live along the highway don’t want a candidate from the Upper Barangays. They don’t vote and support the running candidates from the Highlands. It seems like discrimination in our place, directed to the highlander.

LMP:  If that is the problem, how would you change it? How would you encourage them to vote for somebody who will run from the Upper Barangays?

RBC: I must convince the people living along the highway that if they need more improvements for the town and for their respective Barangays, there must be someone who will take one of the seats in the Legislative Body who will represent the Upper Barangays to put everything in balance.

LMP: If you will be elected, and I believe you will be, what are the projects that you have in mind?

RBC: First and foremost, I will focus on education because in the Upper Barangays, we lack school facilities. What we have is only Mayuga National High School. The other public elementary schools need more improvements especially with regards to school facilities.

LMP: You believe that education will really lead to economic development? And you believe that if the people are educated, they will really have an improved kind of life?

RBC: Yes, Sir. Exactly!

LMP: Because you are from Mayuga, you should be the example.

RBC: I hope I could be.

LMP: So, this will be a question of “inspiring the Lowlanders to vote for a Highlander”. Can I call you a Highlander?

RBC: Yes, Sir. I am proud to be one.

LMP: How did the current officials of Mayuga view you as a candidate?  Did they accept you and appreciate your candidacy or scorn you?

RBC: I think they like me for they even encouraged me to file a Certificate of Candidacy. After we won as the 2nd Placer of Alturas Drum and Bugle Corps Showdown, they were able to see my capability and knowledge to be one of the Legislators in Guindulman.

LMP: That was an accomplishment. And you want to help fast-track the development of Guindulman? What is your message to the people of Guindulman?

RBC: I hope they will give me the chance to become one of the Legislators in our Municipality and I can guarantee them of the improvements in our locality. If ever I will be elected, I can ensure them of an honest-to-goodness service and my total commitment for the welfare of Guindulman.
      Getting the cooperation of his fellow alumni of MNHS was already a big job. Garnering the support of the teachers and students was another great task. Making the entire barangay of Mayuga involved in laudable project was Mr. Ruth B. Cahulogan’s heroic achievement. Winning in the Showdown was a manifestation of real honest-to-goodness synergization, with him on top of the basic responsibilities.

      Mr. Cahulogan is ripe for the picking. His experiences as a working student, a Student Leader, a Campaign Manager, a Legislative Researcher, a Tax Mapper, and NGO President… all build up the kind of knowledgability and confidence he now possess. He most has imbibed his Leaderships inclination from his father, Mr. Calixto Gamutan Cahulogan, who has been Barangay Captain of Mayuga for many years.

      Now that he is a candidate for Councilor in Guindulman, the voters of the Municipality must possess wisdom to place in the Sangguniang Bayan one who knows the job of a real Legislator.

      Only then could the people of Guindulman claim them the highlander has a place in their policy making…a highlander has proven himself worthy of the accolades for his committed services to the community.

John 3:16-18 ESV
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son (Jesus Christ), that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.

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