Author Topic: Why Load Balancing?  (Read 200 times)


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Why Load Balancing?
« on: December 15, 2022, 03:03:52 AM »
Why Load Balancing?
Imagine a checkout line at a grocery store with 8 checkout lines, only one of which is open. All customers must get into the same line, and therefore it takes a long time for a customer to finish paying for their groceries.

Now imagine that the store instead opens all 8 checkout lines. In this case, the wait time for customers is about 8 times shorter.

Load balancing essentially accomplishes the same thing. By dividing user requests among multiple servers, user wait time is vastly cut down. This results in a better user experience — the grocery store customers in the example above would probably look for a more efficient grocery store if they always experienced long wait times.

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