Author Topic: The Australian Disability Support Pension Overseas  (Read 689 times)


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The Australian Disability Support Pension Overseas
« on: September 16, 2010, 10:32:48 PM »
I’m the administrator of a new message board set up for the purpose of advising Australians living on the Disability Support Pension who spend time overseas.
Many of us have lived in Asia for years, most with wives and families, and we find it a more comfortable lifestyle than struggling to make ends meet in Australia.

Prior to 2003 we were required to return to Australia (portability) every twenty six weeks but the Social Security Act was changed to make this thirteen weeks. Life accordingly became more difficult with money needing to be saved for three to four return airfares a year.

Now the legislation is about to change again; to what we don’t know, the politicians and public servants we have written to aren’t forthcoming with this information.
I’d like to encourage potentially effected people to join our group and try to make our voice heard.

The Disability Support Pension is not some sort of welfare payment handed out to the undeserving. Most of us have paid high taxes all our working lives. In Australia taxpayers expect a decent Government pension on retirement, and people who retire early due to illness or injury should be entitled to the same thing.
Those who support Government cost cutting should consider the result of thousands of us returning permanently to Australia accompanied by wives and children, all whom are currently living on a single pension

I invite all people worried about changes to the pension to view our website. For those of you on the Age Pension, who knows, you may be next in line.

I'd like to thank the administration here for giving me the opportunity to post this message.



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