Author Topic: The ancient Olmec civilization  (Read 2337 times)

hubag bohol

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The ancient Olmec civilization
« on: October 05, 2013, 08:12:06 AM »

The ancient Olmec civilization is now considered to be one of the earliest great civilizations in Mesoamerica.  This civilization came and went long before the Aztec empire was even thought of, and yet they left their mark on the peoples of Mexico and beyond, and developed a complex culture which is still echoed today, probably in ways we don't yet even realize.

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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2013, 08:31:12 AM »

A great stone head from the Olmec civilization at the Smithsonian Institution

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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2013, 08:32:07 AM »
The basics

The ancient Olmec civilization is believed to have been centred around the southern Gulf Coast of Mexico area (today the states of Veracruz and Tabasco) - further south east than the heart of the Aztec empire.  The Olmec culture developed in the centuries before 1200BC (BCE), and declined around 400BC.

We know far less about the Olmecs than we do about, for example, the Aztecs and Mayans.  There are very few written records to tell us about the culture.  In fact, at first Olmec artifacts were thought to be Mayan, and the Mayans were thought to be the first great culture in the area.  The generally accepted belief is that the culture arose from people in the area, although some have suggested that the Olmecs may have originally come from Africa.

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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2013, 09:19:19 AM »
Olmec civilization

The major Olmec urban area in early times was San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán, at the time the largest city in Mesoamerica.  This was probably a ritual and political place, housing thousands and using an elaborate water and drainage system.  The city and in fact the ancient Olmec civilization is often remembered because of the gigantic stone heads that have been found here.

There are a couple of reasons why the Olmecs are so important.  First, they used and perhaps developed many things culturally and religiously that were later used by the Mayans and Aztecs and many other cultures.  Second, they had a wide influence in their day, which gives us reason to believe that they may be responsible for spreading some of these ideas.

The Olmecs carved stone, jade, and the volcanic rock basalt (used for the great stone heads).  The stone was quarried and imported.

We can see similar types of sculpture as far away as central Mexico (the land of the Aztecs) and the states of Oaxaca, Morelos, Guerrero, perhaps even farther.

In 2006, archaeologists unearthed a city that they believed was influenced by the Olmecs, only 40km / 25mi south of Mexico City.  A new urban society related to the Olmecs suggests that their influence may have been stronger than we ever suspected.  Read more about the city of Zazacatla and the ancient Olmec civilization.

The Olmecs had a rich society, traded with far away peoples and ate a wide variety of foods (did they pioneer some dishes of Aztec food?).

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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2013, 11:00:29 AM »

Another Olmec head, courtesy of Wikipedia

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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2013, 11:01:26 AM »
Influence of the Olmecs

So aside from trade and carving, how did the Olmecs influence Mexico, and eventually the Aztec empire?  We're uncertain, but it's believed that they may have been early adopters of the complex religious system that the Mayans and the Aztecs would use.  Temple mounds, jaguars, many gods, and perhaps even human sacrifice were used by the Olmec society.  The jaguar is a common figure in Olmec religion - especially combined with a snake or human child.

The layout of their newer city (after the decline of San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán), La Venta, would be copied by future societies.

The calendar used for centuries in Mexico may also have originated with the Olmec.  Their astronomy was also carried on by later groups.  They were probably obsess with the timing of religious ritual, as the Mayans and Aztec would be after them.

Even the ritual ball game so popular among the Aztecs is believed to have been played in the ancient Olmec civilization.

What other Olmec influences were still felt in the Aztec empire?  Music?  The hierarchy of society?  Laws?  It may be that the influence of the ancient Olmec civilization is far greater than we now understand.


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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2013, 11:54:26 AM »

Olmec Religion

The Olmec civilization (1200-400 B.C.) was the first major Mesoamerican culture and laid the foundation for several later civilizations. Many aspects of Olmec culture remain a mystery, which is not surprising considering how long ago their society went into decline. Nevertheless, archaeologists have been able to make surprising progress in learning about the religion of the ancient Olmec people.

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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2013, 11:55:01 AM »
The Olmec Culture

The Olmec culture lasted roughly from 1200 B.C. to 400 B.C. and flourished along Mexico's Gulf coast. The Olmec built major cities at San Lorenzo and La Venta, in the present day states of Veracruz and Tabasco respectively. The Olmec were farmers, warriors and traders, and the few clues they left behind indicate a rich culture. Their civilization collapsed by 400 A. D. - archaeologists are unsure as to why - but several later cultures, including the Aztec and the Maya, were profoundly influenced by the Olmec.

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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2013, 11:55:53 AM »
The Continuity Hypothesis

Archaeologists have struggled to put together the few clues that remain today from the Olmec culture which vanished well over 2,000 years ago. Facts about the ancient Olmec are hard to come by. Modern researchers must use three sources for information on the religion of ancient Mesoamerican cultures:

Analysis of relics including sculpture, buildings and ancient texts when available

Early Spanish reports of religious and cultural practices

Ethnographic studies of modern-day traditional religious practices in certain communities

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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2013, 12:01:56 PM »
Experts who have studied the Aztecs, Maya and other ancient Mesoamerican religions have come to an interesting conclusion: these religions share certain characteristics, indicating a much older, foundational system of belief. Peter Joralemon proposed the Continuity Hypothesis to fill in the gaps left by incomplete records and studies. According to Joralemon "there is a basic religious system common to all Mesoamerican peoples. This system took shape long before it was given monumental expression in Olmec art and survived long after the Spanish conquered the New World's major political and religious centers." (Joralemon quoted in Diehl, 98). In other words, other cultures can fill in the blanks in regards to Olmec society. One example is the Popol Vuh. Although it is normally associated with the Maya, there are nevertheless many instances of Olmec art and sculpture that seemingly show images or scenes from the Popol Vuh. One instance is the nearly identical statues of the Hero Twins at the Azuzul archaeological site.

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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2013, 12:02:48 PM »
The Five Aspects of Olmec Religion

Archaeologist Richard Diehl has identified five elements associated with Olmec Religion. These include:

A cosmos which identifies the socio-cultural context within which Gods and man interacted

Divine beings and gods who controlled the universe and interacted with men

A shaman or priest class who acted as intermediaries between the common Olmec people and their gods and spirits

Rituals enacted by shamans and/or rulers that reinforced the concepts of the cosmos

Sacred sites, both natural and man-made

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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2013, 12:04:33 PM »

The Olmec "Tree of Life" (Mesoamerican Cosmology).
The lineage founder, 2 Grass, is being born from a twisting World Tree.  Detail from Selden Codex page 2.  Source: FAMSI

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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2013, 12:05:11 PM »
Olmec Cosmology

Like many early Mesoamerican cultures, the Olmec believed in three tiers of existence: the physical realm they inhabited, an underworld and a sky realm, home of most of the gods. Their world was bound together by the four cardinal points and natural boundaries such as rivers, the ocean and mountains. The most important aspect of Olmec life was agriculture, so it is no surprise that the Olmec agricultural/fertility cult, gods and rituals were extremely important. The rulers and kings of the Olmec had an important role to play as intermediaries between the realms, although it is unknown exactly what relationship to their gods they claimed.

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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2013, 12:07:23 PM »
Olmec Deities

The Olmec had several deities whose images repeatedly appear in surviving sculptures, stonecarvings and other artistic forms. Their names have been lost to time, but archaeologists identify them by their characteristics. No fewer than eight regularly-appearing Olmec deities have been identified. These are the designations given to them by Joralemon:

The Olmec Dragon

The Bird Monster

The Fish Monster

The Banded-eye God

The Maize God

The Water God

The Were-jaguar

The Feathered Serpent

Most of these gods would later figure prominently in other cultures, such as the Maya. Currently, there is insufficient information about the roles these gods played in Olmec society or specifically how each was worshipped.

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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2013, 12:08:21 PM »
Olmec Sacred Places

The Olmecs considered certain man-made and natural places sacred. Man-made places included temples, plazas and ball courts and natural places included springs, caves, mountaintops and rivers. No building easily identifiable as an Olmec temple has been discovered; nevertheless, there are many raised platforms which probably served as bases upon which temples were built of some perishable material such as wood. Complex A at La Venta archaeological site is commonly accepted as a religious complex. Although the only ballcourt identified at an Olmec site comes from the post-Olmec era at San Lorenzo, there is nevertheless much evidence that the Olmecs played the game, including carved likenesses of players and preserved rubber balls found at the El Manatí site.

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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2013, 12:09:01 PM »
The Olmec venerated natural sites as well. El Manatí is a bog where offerings were left by the Olmecs, probably those who lived at San Lorenzo. Offerings included wooden carvings, rubber balls, figurines, knives, axes and more. Although caves are rare in the Olmec region, some of their carvings indicate a reverence for them: in some stonecarvings the cave is the mouth of the Olmec Dragon. Caves in Guerrero state have paintings inside which are associated with the Olmec. Like many ancient cultures, the Olmecs venerated mountains: an Olmec sculpture was found close to the summit of the San Martín Pajapan Volcano, and many archaeologists believe that man-made hills at sites such as La Venta are meant to represent sacred mountains for rituals.

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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2013, 12:11:03 PM »
Olmec Shamans

There is strong evidence that the Olmec had a shaman class in their society. Later Mesoamerican cultures which derived from the Olmec had full-time priests who acted as intermediaries between the common people and the divine. There are sculptures of shamans apparently transforming from humans into were-jaguars. Bones of toads with hallucinogenic properties have been found at Olmec sites: the mind-altering drugs were presumably used by shamans. The rulers of Olmec cities probably served as shamans as well: rulers were likely considered to have a special relationship with the gods and many of their ceremonial functions were religious. Sharp objects, such as stingray spines, have been found at Olmec sites and were most likely used in sacrificial bloodletting rituals.

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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2013, 12:11:50 PM »
Olmec Rituals

Of Diehl's five foundations of Olmec religion, the rituals are the least known to modern researchers. The presence of ceremonial objects, such as stingray spines for bloodletting, indicate that there were, indeed, important rituals, but any details of said ceremonies have been lost to time. Human bones - particularly of infants - have been found at some sites, suggesting human sacrifice, which was later important among the Maya, Aztec and other cultures. The presence of rubber balls indicates that the Olmec played this game. Later cultures would assign a religious and ceremonial context to the game, and it is reasonable to suspect that the Olmec did as well.


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Re: The ancient Olmec civilization
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2013, 12:27:17 PM »
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