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The 4 Days of EDSA
« on: February 25, 2014, 10:04:08 AM »

When the day began, just after midnight, a meeting was in progress in the home of Marcos's Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile.

DASMARIÑAS VILLAGE, MAKATI - Among those present were Enrile, his press secretary, Silvestre Afable, and three key officers plotting a coup against Ferdinand Marcos.

The five were putting final touches to a speech Enrile planned to read 36 hours later over national radio and television. Enrile would proclaim himself head of a ruling junta, the National Reconciliation Council, just after rebel troops assaulted the Palace at 2:00 AM February 23, capturing or killing Marcos.

Spearheading the attack on Marcos was Enrile's chief of security, Colonel Gregorio "Gringo" Honasan, an officer whose relationship with the Defense Minister has been described as "closer than father and son."

Enrile was the central political figure behind the coup conspiracy, but Honasan, his PMA classmates Col. Eduardo Kapunan and Col. Victor Batac, were the masterminds of the attack plans.

At 2:00 AM of the 23rd of February, Sunday, Col. Honasan and his commandos, guided by carefully prepared maps and rebels in the Palace guard, would break into the presidential bedrooms of Malacañang Palace to arrest Marcos and his First Lady, Imelda.

Simultaneously, Col. Kapunan's force would set off a series of massive explosions near the Malacañang armories, signalling three rebel battalions to move in with reinforcements. The first and largest explosion was intended to assassinate General Fabian Ver who would be sleeping inside his home in nearby Malacañang Park.

The rebels also finalized a list of nominees for Enrile's junta: opposition candidate Corazon Aquino, Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Fidel Ramos, Cardinal Jaime Sin, and several leading technocrats like Marcos's Prime Minister Cesar Virata.

Unknown to Honasan, one of his moles in Malacanang Palace had been leaking top-secret details of the coup plot to the Vers.

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Republic Act 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998, Philippines), as amended and strengthened by House  Bill 6893 of 2013--- violation means a maximum of P250,000 fine with a corresponding three-year jail term and a minimum of P30,000 fine and six months imprisonment

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Re: The 4 Days of EDSA
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2014, 10:11:19 AM »

EDSA, 12:00 Midnight - Cardinal Sin's plea that the people help Ramos and Enrile was taken literally. Thousands of people began massing outside the rebel camps and supplying food for the soldiers.   

Fidel Ramos: That day we had to develop additional forces outside Crame and Aguinaldo and, of course, we needed to reinforce our military forces. This is why our call to the people to come and support us was very constant. And we were able to do this through June Keithley and the radio broadcasting crews of Radio Veritas who were on the job, calling on the people, transmitting for us even messages which were tactical in nature. This was the first time in military history, anywhere in the world, when private broadcast media, run by concerned citizens, were used to transmit or relay military orders or directives to military units in the field."

STA. ANA, MANILA ­ Father James Reuter, S.J., was the vital link in the communications system of the revolution. He had a VHF radio link to Gen. Ramos in Camp Crame; another to Veritas radio station where June Keithley was broadcasting; and a telephone line to the US Embassy political section headed by Gabriel Kplan, Scott Hallford and Bruce Thomas.

MALACAÑANG PALACE - Tonight, nothing was working. The Enrile-Ramos team was on the air, making noise without letup over Radio Veritas and other stations, waging an aggressive propaganda war. Eager to confront the rebels, presidential aide Col. Aruiza called up Gen. Ver on the other side of the river and urged him to act. Ver said, "I have no instructions from the President."

All through the night and the next two days, there was the same maddening inaction on the part of government troops. No one was thinking; no one was taking the initiative. Several generals besides Ver could have planned and executed counteraction, but they didn't. Some were nowhere to be found. They were all waiting for Marcos, but Marcos was sick. Others had already made up their minds to sit it out and join the winners.

CAMP CRAME, Past Midnight - Butz Aquino sought out Gen. Ramos to tell him, "The troops are here!" Butz was surprised to see the general "so relaxed, with his cigar, like he has no problem, as if it's a social visit." He was glad he saw Enrile first because then, "there was urgency."

Ramos explained their plans to secure the camp, briefed them regarding the entrances and exits that should be guarded. Butz asked how many people Ramos had. "All told, about 3,000."

"As it turned out, he was also counting the wives, househelpers, everybody in the camp, including the dogs. The soldiers were only 300."

Gen. Ramos asked if the troops were prepared to stay for two months. Butz answered, "If it takes three months to remove that guy from Malacañang, we are prepared to stay three months."

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Republic Act 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998, Philippines), as amended and strengthened by House  Bill 6893 of 2013--- violation means a maximum of P250,000 fine with a corresponding three-year jail term and a minimum of P30,000 fine and six months imprisonment

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Re: The 4 Days of EDSA
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2014, 10:14:59 AM »

CAMP CRAME, Midnight: Gen. Ramos took a jog around the perimeter with two guards but no sidearm.

A JOURNALIST, Midnight - We sat with two radios, a Radio Veritas and a second short-wave. Veritas, knocked off the air, was beaming from some clandestine radio station which a few of us knew was barely a kilometer away from where the Evil One resided. "Lord preserve Ketly - that's our pet name for June Keithley - they'll kill her in cold blood if they discover where she is."

RADYO BANDIDO, 12:10 AM - Keithley's broadcast began with the playing of Mambo Magsaysay, the campaign song identified with Radio Veritas, "hoping people would recognize the song and know us as DZRV."

All she had were a small pamphlet on civil disobedience and a phone patch to Gen. Ramos's headquarters. Manila Times 3 Mar

Beside June were two young boys, Paulo 15 and Gabe 13 years, sons of Tony and Monina Mercado. They manned the VHF transceiver link with Fr. Reuter and Gen. Ramos.

Keithley was on the air when Gallaga's group arrived at the booth atop the J & T building. A skeleton force was operating the facility and June was getting lost in the plethora of new equipment that she had to instantly be familiar with.

It was agreed not to air the radio station's call sign and frequency as it would alarm Marcos's troops. A phone-in number was announced instead and shortly, there was a barrage of calls.  Malaya 28 Feb

ORLY PUNZALAN ­ "When our newsmen discovered that June Keithley was on Radyo Bandido, they started feeding her news. Harry Gasser, Bishop Baccani, Jun Tana, and the rest of the boys helped. Poor June Keithley. She did not have a mobile unit, did not have a crew. All she had was a radio station and a telephone whose number was not even supposed to be announced.Manila Chronicle Feb 87

ANN MERCADO (Student) ­ My brother Gabe called to tell me that June Keithley was broacasting again. The Voice of Truth could be heard on 810 of the AM band. I asked him where they were, trying to sound as demanding as possible, as I was sure my mother would be very worried. He said he could not tell me. It was a secret.  PEOPLE POWER p. 191

Fidel Ramos: We were very lucky to have been able to hook up in that manner because to the audience, to the outside world, it appeared that our momentum continued and did not diminish with the demise of Radio Veritas.

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Republic Act 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998, Philippines), as amended and strengthened by House  Bill 6893 of 2013--- violation means a maximum of P250,000 fine with a corresponding three-year jail term and a minimum of P30,000 fine and six months imprisonment

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Re: The 4 Days of EDSA
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2014, 10:21:32 AM »

EDSA - Tuesday began with midnight fireworks. Persisting rumors of Marcos's fall and flight prompted many to celebrate by exploding rockets and firecrackers. 

NAGTAHAN BRIDGE, Past Midnight - Several were wounded when Army soldiers fired through the barbed wire barricades at a crowd of rebel supporters who had turned back a column of armored vehicles heading towards Channel 4. Sunday Times Mag 2 Mar

MALACAÑANG PALACE - Marcos's two sons-in-law were supervising the packing of dozens of crates of family possessions, including hundreds of thousands of dollars in gold bullion and bonds, more than a million dollars worth of freshly printed pesos, as well as artifacts and jewels. These were delivered by boat to a bayfront lawn adjacent to the US Embassy. Weeks earlier, a number of bulkier items, mainly large oil paintings and other works of art, had been packed and shipped out of the country at the direction of the First Lady.

There was little sleep in the palace that night as aides scurried from room to room, sifting through cabinets and boxes filled with documents, receipts, letters, many of them incriminating. Imelda Marcos was able to provide little advice to her husband. She seemed dazed, drifting in and out of her private chapel where she knelt and prayed. Marcos's son Bongbong and General Ver were arguing desperately with him to stay and fight.

NAGTAHAN BRIDGE, Past Midnight - Several were wounded when Army soldiers fired through the barbed wire barricades at a crowd of rebel supporters who had turned back a column of armored vehicles heading towards Channel 4.

MALACAÑANG PALACE - Marcos's two sons-in-law were supervising the packing of dozens of crates of family possessions, including hundreds of thousands of dollars in gold bullion and bonds, more than a million dollars worth of freshly printed pesos, as well as artifacts and jewels. These were delivered by boat to a bayfront lawn adjacent to the US Embassy.

Weeks earlier, a number of bulkier items, mainly large oil paintings and other works of art, had been packed and shipped out of the country at the direction of the First Lady.

There was little sleep in the palace that night as aides scurried from room to room, sifting through cabinets and boxes filled with documents, receipts, letters, many of them incriminating.

Imelda Marcos was able to provide little advice to her husband. She seemed dazed, drifting in and out of her private chapel where she knelt and prayed. Marcos's son Bongbong and General Ver were arguing desperately with him to stay and fight.

Republic Act 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998, Philippines), as amended and strengthened by House  Bill 6893 of 2013--- violation means a maximum of P250,000 fine with a corresponding three-year jail term and a minimum of P30,000 fine and six months imprisonment

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Re: The 4 Days of EDSA
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2014, 10:26:01 AM »

CLARK AIR FORCE BASE - The fugitives rested nearly eight hours before proceeding to Guam at 5:12 AM, Wednesday, aboard a USAF C-9 Nightingale Hospital Aircraft which the Geneva convention protects from forced landings. A second plane, bearing General Ver and other supporters, left at 5:22AM. Their destination: Andersen Air Base, Guam, USA. 

CLARK AIR FORCE BASE - Shortly before they were to leave the base, the deposed President asked his American pilots if they can take him to his home province. The pilots retorted in a rather curt manner that their orders were to take him out of the Philippines. It was on the flight to Guam that the President had to be sedated, to stop him from insisting on flying to the north.

CLARK AIR FORCE BASE - The deposed President at first refused to leave Philippine soil and insisted on being flown to Paoay, Ilocos Norte. American officials hurriedly communicated with the heads of the rebel forces, General Ramos and Minister Enrile, who earlier gave the go-signal for Marcos to leave the country.

The rebel chiefs said no way could Marcos be allowed to seek refuge in Ilocos as this would enable him to regroup with his loyalist forces. By 5:05 AM of Wednesday, Marcos was finally convinced to take the US Air Force plane to Guam. 

CLARK AIR FORCE BASE - The Americans provided two jet aircraft, capable of transporting 500 persons - a Boeing 707 and a B-747. The Marcos party was given security during the operation by US Marines.

Mr. Marcos begged to be taken to Laoag because, he said, he "wanted to spend one last night in Ilocos." Arriving at Paoay's lakeside Malacañang of the North, the former president's mood shifted to aggression. He instructed his aides to organize an "Ilocano Army" to fight its way back to Metro Manila and "recover" the capital.

He rang up up Deputy Premier and Minister of Local Governments Jose Roño and told him of his plans. Roño, aghast, counseled him against a "countercoup." He asserted, "Please spare out people a bloodbath!"

He then telephoned Minister of Trade and Industry Roberto Ongpin, insisting, "Bobby, I'd like to make a last stand in Paoay!" Ongpin, equally taken aback, advised Mr. Marcos: "Think of the millions of Filipinos who are going to die if you start a civil war!"

He boarded his US Air Force Plane at 0:15 AM Wednesday morning and finally departed with his family. 

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Republic Act 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998, Philippines), as amended and strengthened by House  Bill 6893 of 2013--- violation means a maximum of P250,000 fine with a corresponding three-year jail term and a minimum of P30,000 fine and six months imprisonment

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Re: The 4 Days of EDSA
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2014, 10:31:13 AM »
these are excerpts from the book:

Republic Act 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998, Philippines), as amended and strengthened by House  Bill 6893 of 2013--- violation means a maximum of P250,000 fine with a corresponding three-year jail term and a minimum of P30,000 fine and six months imprisonment

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Re: The 4 Days of EDSA
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2014, 11:04:24 AM »
some tidbits of the EDSA Revolt

February 8
Cory Aquino took the lead in NAMFREL's tally of precinct results. She vowed massive protests and daily street demonstrations if cheated [of the election results]. The government's counting proceeded more slowly and showed Marcos leading.

February 9
Led by Linda Kapunan, thirty computer technicians manning the COMELEC tabulation machines walked out of their posts in protest over alleged deliberate changing of election results.

Republic Act 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998, Philippines), as amended and strengthened by House  Bill 6893 of 2013--- violation means a maximum of P250,000 fine with a corresponding three-year jail term and a minimum of P30,000 fine and six months imprisonment

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Re: The 4 Days of EDSA
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2014, 11:04:57 AM »
February 17
Crony banks, corporations, and media were hit hard by the boycott. Deposit withdrawals were reportedly heavy not only in the seven banks in Cory's boycott list but also in banks either partly or wholly owned by known Marcos cronies. Nestle pulled out its ads from government TV Channel 4 and newspaper Bulletin Today. San Miguel-A shares went down to as low as P11.50 per share, while B shares went down to P14.50 per.

Not far behind in financial fiasco was the beverage industry. Beer quaffers had suddenly shifted to gin or hard drinks. Restaurants, eateries and cafes refused to serve San Miguel beer as well as Coca Cola, Sprite and Royal True Orange. A small number also stopped drinking Pepsi Cola, Seven-Up and Mirinda, thinking that these softdrinks were also under the control of a crony.

Republic Act 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998, Philippines), as amended and strengthened by House  Bill 6893 of 2013--- violation means a maximum of P250,000 fine with a corresponding three-year jail term and a minimum of P30,000 fine and six months imprisonment

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Re: The 4 Days of EDSA
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2014, 11:05:38 AM »
February 20
Testifying before a US House subcomittee, Asst. Secretary of State Paul H. Wolfowitz disclosed that Reagan's offer of new aid was "in abeyance" as long as Marcos remained in office.

Diplomats from 15 nations - Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Japan, Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Denmark, and West Germany - called on Mrs. Aquino who told them she was determined to assume the presidency "at the earliest possible time."

Jeepney drivers, consumerists, students, and academicians joined the boycott wagon.

Republic Act 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998, Philippines), as amended and strengthened by House  Bill 6893 of 2013--- violation means a maximum of P250,000 fine with a corresponding three-year jail term and a minimum of P30,000 fine and six months imprisonment

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Re: The 4 Days of EDSA
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2014, 11:06:32 AM »
February 21
Marcos admitted he was "nervous" about the decisions of foreign governments to boycott his February 25 inauguration and that he was launching a diplomatic offensive to inform foreign governments about what transpired in the polls.

Despite rumors of a weekend coup by RAM and suggestions that she stay put in Manila, Mrs. Aquino said she would fly to Cebu as scheduled Saturday morning to pursue her civil disobedience campaign.

In less than a week since Aquino's call for a boycott of crony-owned or aligned banks and business establishments, there was a total of P1.78 billion in withdrawals from crony banks and the Philippine National Bank, Security Bank & Trust Company, Republic Planters Bank, and Traders Royal Bank.

The first to get their money out of the crony banks were groups belonging to the clergy; in Union Bank, the clergy represented at least 12 % of its deposit base. As a result, deposit upsurges were recorded in Bank of the Philippine Islands, Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company, and Citibank.

Bulletin today, the country's largest circulated newspaper (circulation 350,000) trailed behind the Philippine Daily Inquirer, Malaya, and the Manila Times.

Rustan's department store was empty; most of their customers moved over to SM Shoemart, Anson's, and Robinson's.

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Re: The 4 Days of EDSA
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2014, 11:44:29 AM »
February 22
CEBU CITY - People lined the highway leading to the city. In some intersections, crowds became so excited that they literally blocked the road, thus creating momentary bottlenecks in the traffic flow. People shouted "Cory! Cory! Cory!" and "Laban!" There was an abundance of yellow banners, streamers, and flags. People along the motorcade route displayed anything yellow, such as yellow banana leaves, yellow flowers, yellow bedsheets, yellow towels, yellow shirts and blouses, and even yellow men's briefs.

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Republic Act 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998, Philippines), as amended and strengthened by House  Bill 6893 of 2013--- violation means a maximum of P250,000 fine with a corresponding three-year jail term and a minimum of P30,000 fine and six months imprisonment

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Re: The 4 Days of EDSA
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2014, 12:11:40 PM »
"Look at those toy soldiers playing at war. For years they had nothing better to do than to march in loyalty parades and bang the heads of civilians who could not fight back. Now they ask these same civilians to keep their asses from being blown off."

-alleged remark with wonder and amusement by former Secretary of Education from 1961 to 1965, during the term of Philippine President Diosdado Macapagal, about the rebel forces deploying at Camp Aguinaldo

Republic Act 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998, Philippines), as amended and strengthened by House  Bill 6893 of 2013--- violation means a maximum of P250,000 fine with a corresponding three-year jail term and a minimum of P30,000 fine and six months imprisonment

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Re: The 4 Days of EDSA
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2014, 12:40:32 PM »
"Come out from your cells. Go immediately to the chapel and before the exposed Blessed Sacrament with outstretched arms prostrate yourselves on the floor before God and pray. And start fasting tonight. Do not eat solid food until I tell you because we are in battle and you are the powerhouses. And if we do not win the battle, you will have to fast until the end of your life."

-Jaime Cardinal Sin, calling on the contemplative nuns-- the Poor Claires, the Pink Sisters, and the Carmelites to fast and pray for non-violence, with his own kind of sense of humor intact while under pressure over the unfolding events

Republic Act 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998, Philippines), as amended and strengthened by House  Bill 6893 of 2013--- violation means a maximum of P250,000 fine with a corresponding three-year jail term and a minimum of P30,000 fine and six months imprisonment

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Re: The 4 Days of EDSA
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2014, 12:48:08 PM »
"In subsequent calls I summoned the people to fill the streets precisely to avoid bloodshed and fratricide. Our intent was to make sure the first spark of fire would not be struck; that the first drop of blood would not be spilled. The call to fill the spaces around Crame and Aguinaldo was a summons "to love, not war." 

-Jaime Cardinal Sin

Republic Act 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998, Philippines), as amended and strengthened by House  Bill 6893 of 2013--- violation means a maximum of P250,000 fine with a corresponding three-year jail term and a minimum of P30,000 fine and six months imprisonment

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Re: The 4 Days of EDSA
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2014, 12:50:00 PM »
My recollections are of an incredible chain of events. When I first heard of the mutiny, my initial reaction was: "Leave the soldiers to fight it out among themselves." Clearly, the mutinous crew could not have lasted against the armed might of the dictator. Yet it did. Within an hour from a call for support for the mutineers, EDSA was filled with people.

The atmosphere was portentous of divine intervention. Lighted candles and religious images abounded. The night wore on and there was no indication of fear.

-Joaquin G. Bernas, S.J.

Republic Act 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998, Philippines), as amended and strengthened by House  Bill 6893 of 2013--- violation means a maximum of P250,000 fine with a corresponding three-year jail term and a minimum of P30,000 fine and six months imprisonment

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