Author Topic: Child Obesity in the Philippines  (Read 1242 times)

hubag bohol

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Child Obesity in the Philippines
« on: August 03, 2014, 12:27:44 PM »
Obesity or being overweight has grown in the last couple of decades into alarming levels especially with the prevalence of junk food and fast food across the world. Obesity worsens as it is also afflicting children at very young ages making them more at risk with diseases related to obesity such as hypertension, cardiac arrest and even psychological depression.

In the Philippines, obesity is also fast becoming a problem with the introduction and prevalence of junk consumer goods. Child obesity in the Philippines is not just a matter of nutritional problem but is also a cultural issue. For one, the older generation of Filipinos has the penchant of indulging their babies and kids with food to be healthy. There is a prevailing misconception among older generation Filipinos that a chubby child is cute and healthy. This is also further reinforced by the inclination of parents to indulge their children with food and material things that they were deprived when they were young. Thus, Filipino parents tend to give everything that their children want unconscious that they are actually putting their children at risk.

Not just cultural, social factors also contribute in the prevalence of obesity among children. Gone when the last generation of fat kids were so attached to watching television. Today, this sedentary activity was replaced by computer and video games. Many children today spend most of their hours on computer or any internet access or gaming console seated instead of engaging in physical activities or sports that could otherwise help burn food. Parents are also so preoccupied with work that they would prefer to let their children be as they are – lazy at home playing computers. The result is fat lazy children who are exposed to violent video games and unfamiliar with any household chore.

Finally, the primary suspect for obesity is unhealthy food. Junk food, instant meals, instant juice, fast food like Jollibee and Mcdonalds, softdrinks, and junk snacks are prevalent and easily accessible to children, which are all continuously changing the unhealthy eating habits of children. Modern food is fortified with artificial ingredient, flavors, preservatives and chemicals that has a long term effect on the health of children. This explains why diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and other nutritional imbalance sicknesses are afflicting people at even younger ages.

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hubag bohol

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Re: Child Obesity in the Philippines
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2014, 12:28:59 PM »
Child obesity in the Philippines is not just a matter of nutritional problem but is also a cultural issue. For one, the older generation of Filipinos has the penchant of indulging their babies and kids with food to be healthy. There is a prevailing misconception among older generation Filipinos that a chubby child is cute and healthy. This is also further reinforced by the inclination of parents to indulge their children with food and material things that they were deprived when they were young.


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Re: Child Obesity in the Philippines
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2014, 12:42:07 PM »

Overweight and obesity are now impending health crises in the Philippines. For decades we considered our children’s weight in terms of normal growth and development. If our children were on the fat side we believed it will be outgrown as they grow older.

However, a local surveillance among kindergarten boys in a private school shows that overweight and obese children often remain so at follow-up after 5 years. Some even gained more weight. Researchers agree that the longer a child remains overweight, chances are he will become an obese adult. They also predict that, instead of seeing heart disease in the mid-years, the present children may succumb to heart attacks and stroke as early as their 20s.

What causes children to be obese?

Despite the complexity of genes and hormones, obesity is basically an energy imbalance , between calorie intake and calorie output, between food eaten and food burned. Calorie is a unit of measurement of energy in foods consumed and burned in physical activities. When a child eats more than his body and physical needs, the unburned calories from excess food are stored as fatty tissues. Consequently , body weight goes over what is right for his age ,sex , and activities. If unchecked, the overweight child could go on to become an obese child.

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Re: Child Obesity in the Philippines
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2014, 12:46:22 PM »
What are the contributing factors?

Fast food chains with their high fat sweet salty meals ? Softdrink and sugary “fruit” drinks manufacturers? Schools which allow calorie-dense and “empty calorie” foods in cafeterias and vending machines ? TV networks and makers of video games that have brought about a sedentary lifestyle to our children? Education policymakers who limit physical education in schools? Health professionals who do not educate parents and children about healthy lifestyle? Or could the parents themselves be blamed ?

Interestingly, data from a new survey of parents by ACNielsen show two thirds of parents blame themselves . After all , parents have control over eating patterns and activities of their young children.

A UK Survey reports 30% of mothers and 57 % of fathers as failing to recognize overweight in their children. Some parents show no concern at all for their overweight child . Parents from the high socio-economic strata were no different from those in the lower bracket.

What can parents do?

Treatment of child obesity includes not only the child but the family as well. Parental involvement is an integral component of its management. Family eating and activity habits have a much stronger influence on weight than heredity.

The first step is for parents to monitor their children’s weight. If they see that their child seems to be gaining weight much faster than his playmates or peers at school and his clothes don’t seem to fit especially around the waistline, then it’s about time to see a pediatrician .

If the child is found to be overweight, a healthy weight goal is determined. The best goal is not to lose weight but to lower the rate of weight gain as child grows taller and develops muscle. However, if the child is found to be obese or has health problems related to weight, a realistic weight loss is planned. A dietitian will be most helpful in setting how many pounds to lose and in tracking the progress every day.

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