Author Topic: Britney Spears to Cancel Tour After Death Threats  (Read 779 times)


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Britney Spears to Cancel Tour After Death Threats
« on: March 20, 2009, 04:15:28 AM »

The Circus Starring Britney Spears kicked off at the beginning of the month, but it may already be in danger of being canceled, reports in the media claim. Although the reviews for each show are positive, in recent days, Britney has been receiving death threats via e-mail and text messages, which has made her warn of calling off the tour lest her two boys are kidnapped or worse, an unnamed source says for Look magazine, via HollywoodRag.

Britney is terrified that some stalker (or more) might want to take the threats in the e-mails and text messages and put them into practice, the anonymous spy reveals for the magazine. Granted, she is always surrounded by security, and has even consulted with staff in this sense, but that does not mean that she won’t do everything in her power to protect her children, even cancel the tour altogether if need be, it is further being stressed.

“Britney received some anonymous death threats over the phone and in the mail, and her worst fear is a kidnap plot against Sean or Jayden. She’s been having terrible nightmares ever since then and she wakes up in the middle of the night crying out for her boys.” the spy shares for the mag. “She told her head of security and he thinks it’s a lone stalker. Her paranoia has reached fever pitch and she’s wracked with fear.”

Sadly, it’s not just the death threats that have made Britney consider the option of calling off the tour, although they would be reason enough for anyone. The singer is also feeling its pressure, what with some reviewers criticizing her for not singing live and others picking on her choice of outfits for the performances. All in all, insiders claim, Britney Spears’ Circus tour is not looking so good.

“Britney is under so much strain, what with relentless performing, the bad reviews and the worry over her boys. It all got too much and she screamed at her team, ‘I can’t do this any more, why are you all torturing me?’ She ran out of the room crying.” the same insider tells. With all this, granted these reports are anything close to accurate, up on stage, the singer continues to keep her composure and really put herself out there with her performance, as several media outlets are reporting. If these rumors check out, you will surely find out about it here.

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