Author Topic: Absolute Relativism  (Read 1640 times)


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Absolute Relativism
« on: January 11, 2012, 12:44:19 PM »
this book is written by:Chris Stefanick

Welcome to the new tyranny…

“If it feels good, do it.”

“That’s your opinion, and this is mine.”

“I don’t want to impose my beliefs on others.“

“What’s true for one person may not be true for another….”

And thus the Dictator of Relativism speaks – as he has always spoken – to seduce humanity into a false sense of freedom.

But with the election of Benedict XVI, Christ’s personally chosen defender of the Truth is fighting back.

In fact, in his homily on April 18, 2005, Benedict seems to know where the real battle lines are being drawn: “We are building a dictatorship of relativism that does not recognize anything as definitive and whose ultimate goal consists solely of one's own ego and desires.”

Six years later, despite the unfailing efforts of the Catholic Church, things haven’t gotten much better – as society seems more hell-bent than ever on:

    * Ignoring the natural law “written on our hearts.”
    * Undermining the family with so-called “same-sex marriage”
    * Destroying the sacredness of life through unabated abortion on demand.
    * Warping the proper intellectual, emotional and spiritual formation of children.
    * Abrogating human rights to those who dare oppose relativism’s dictatorship.

But the fight continues.

In a new booklet Absolute Relativism: The New Dictatorship And What To Do About It, Chris Stefanick tackles all the tough questions about Relativism by showing how bankrupt and impractical it is.

Through a down-to-earth, easily accessible Question-and-Answer format, Stefanick’s book shows that far from being the answer to “World Peace” – or even personal peace of mind – Relativism suffers from a self-destructive rot.

Indeed, this pernicious philosophy’s glittering façade may be updated with each generation’s quest for meaning, but as Stefanick shows, this dead-end error remains the same cop-out it was the day the Truth Himself took up his cross to defeat it.In Absolute Relativism you’ll learn:

    * Why relativism inherently contradicts its own claims.
    * What makes it one of the worst ideas in the history of ideas.
    * How relativism has a direct influence on the morals and virtues of a nation.
    * Why relativism doesn’t even work “on the ground” in “real life.”
    * Who relativism has hurt in history – and who it continues to hurt today.
    * How relativism is counterproductive to the true practice of tolerance in society.
    * Why religion – which makes claims to absolute truth – is finally more tolerant than relativism.
    * What Christianity has almost singlehandedly done to foster true tolerance in the world.
    * How all laws legislate morality and all relativists are lying when they say otherwise!
    * Why Jesus was anything but a relativist in his approach to sinners.
    * How the so-called impasse between religion and science is for the most part a myth.
    * What the true meaning of “open-minded” means – it’s not what you think!
    * Why, ultimately, relativism is a step backwards in true human progress.

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Re: Absolute Relativism
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2012, 12:44:29 PM » - Hassle-free planning of your next trip


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Re: Absolute Relativism
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2012, 12:20:58 PM »
In Absolute Relativism you’ll learn:

    * Why relativism inherently contradicts its own claims.
    * What makes it one of the worst ideas in the history of ideas.
    * How relativism has a direct influence on the morals and virtues of a nation.
    * Why relativism doesn’t even work “on the ground” in “real life.”
    * Who relativism has hurt in history – and who it continues to hurt today.
    * How relativism is counterproductive to the true practice of tolerance in society.
    * Why religion – which makes claims to absolute truth – is finally more tolerant than relativism.
    * What Christianity has almost singlehandedly done to foster true tolerance in the world.
    * How all laws legislate morality and all relativists are lying when they say otherwise!
    * Why Jesus was anything but a relativist in his approach to sinners.
    * How the so-called impasse between religion and science is for the most part a myth.
    * What the true meaning of “open-minded” means – it’s not what you think!
    * Why, ultimately, relativism is a step backwards in true human progress.

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bolanon kaaju

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Re: Absolute Relativism
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2012, 01:01:35 PM »
relativism  goes hand in hand with political correctness they are the devil's concoction...



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Re: Absolute Relativism
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2012, 01:12:33 PM »
In relativism, it is possible to defend something that is "wrong". Sometimes, some people are able to make something "wrong" appear "acceptable" or "correct".

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Re: Absolute Relativism
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2012, 01:14:46 PM »
Catholic Spirit, June 2010, In Our World

By Mary P. Walker
Senior Correspondent

Jesuit Father Mitch Pacwa demonstrated his academic side when he spoke to a crowd of approximately 500 at St. Mary Catholic Center at Texas A&M University on April 23. Pacwa is best known as TV host of Eternal World Television Network (EWTN) “Live” and “Threshold of Hope.” The presentation was titled “Relativism and her Three Ugly Sisters” and was sponsored by the Catholic Students Association, a university-recognized organization representing 13,000 Catholic students.
“We have been at a cultural crossroads for a long time,” said Father Pacwa. He explained that relativism and the “ugly sisters” of individualism, pluralism and multiculturalism are trends in our culture to remove the evidence of our Christian roots and the influence of Christianity in the U.S. and western society.
According to Father Pacwa, the first “ugly sister,” individualism, is the idea that the individual is more important than any community or group. It exaggerates the importance of personal rights and freedom to the extent that “no community has the right to tell the individual what to do.” This viewpoint conflicts with the truth that each person is created in the image and likeness of God, and the community has a vital role in ensuring that the dignity of each person is honored. Individualism is what allows the acceptance of abortion as a legal and personal choice, he said.
The second “ugly sister” is pluralism. Father Pacwa described pluralism as individuals joining together to form special interest groups whose agendas have priority over just about everything else. Rather than engaging in reasoned discussion with others who have different points of view, those in the group often claim to be “victims,” and those who disagree are seen as oppressors. For example, upholding the Christian understanding of marriage can be labeled as “homophobic,” he said.
When discussing the third “ugly sister” of multiculturalism, Father Pacwa was careful to distinguish it from cultural diversity. Cultural diversity is the appreciation of the different heritages that make up America’s melting pot, but with the underlying premise that we are united with common national values. This understanding fosters patriotism, respect for the law and a willingness to die to protect others.
In contrast, multiculturalism proposes that all manifestations of culture are equally valid and should be tolerated. Society becomes divided into subgroups that preserve their separation, compete with each other, and do not wish to identify with a shared American experience. The result is a loss of appreciation for the cultural achievements of America and a growing ignorance of our historical origins. An example is the “watering down” of the understanding of the influence of theological thought in the establishment of our country.
Pacwa said relativism is the umbrella that shields these “ugly sisters” from the challenges of reason and logic. Pope Benedict XVI has warned against the philosophy of relativism, which proposes that every idea is equally valid, there is no absolute truth, and people are free to define their own personal truths. Therefore, if each person is free to define what is true, there is no standard to judge “good” and “evil.” In addition, if truth is relative, then honesty is irrelevant because you cannot challenge what another defines as truth.
Relativism can make public discourse impossible because there is no common basis for truth or agreement on common values. Father Pacwa concluded, “Ultimately a relativistic society must become a society where might makes right.” That is, because there is no agreement on moral values, people impose their will on others through power, deceit, inducement of feelings of guilt or fraud.
After painting a bleak picture of contemporary society and its move toward secular atheism, Father Pacwa assured the audience that Catholics have a preeminent role in countering relativism and the “ugly sisters.” First, Catholics have the truth, which is the person of Jesus Christ. This truth is the foundation we can cling to when we are tempted by these cultural trends.
Second, as the oldest and most experienced Christian faith, Catholicism has grappled with many moral issues throughout the years.
“We Catholics have a long and profound tradition of thinking,” Father Pacwa said. He believes we need to put our system of moral thought and reasoning to the service of our country with an attitude of humble responsibility.
Because God created each of us in his image, we have the responsibility of standing up for the truth by upholding and protecting the dignity of all.
“We can show the relativists how to be tolerant,” said Father Pacwa.
In addition, by sheer numbers, Catholics can be a powerful force for change. There are by far more Catholics, practicing and non-practicing, than any other organized religion. Acknowledging that many Catholics do not practice their faith or even know what the church teaches, Father Pacwa encouraged the audience to become informed so that they can counter these cultural trends with alternatives grounded in accurate history, logic, reason and the riches of our faith. This will bring holiness and goodness to our culture, he said.
Chris Smith, who recently graduated from Texas A&M University, found Father Pacwa’s message both enlightening and as a call to action.
“He brought a new perspective of thinking to St. Mary’s. He challenged us as students to use our intellect and to dive deep into the roots of relativism.”
Christine Williams, a senior, agreed, “He was a captivating speaker. I learned things about church history that I never knew I was missing.”

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bolanon kaaju

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Re: Absolute Relativism
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2012, 01:35:44 PM »
Catholic Spirit, June 2010, In Our World

By Mary P. Walker
Senior Correspondent
thank you for this post sir/bay!

Jesuit Father Mitch Pacwa demonstrated his academic side when he spoke to a crowd of approximately 500 at St. Mary Catholic Center at Texas A&M University on April 23. Pacwa is best known as TV host of Eternal World Television Network (EWTN) “Live” and “Threshold of Hope.” The presentation was titled “Relativism and her Three Ugly Sisters” and was sponsored by the Catholic Students Association, a university-recognized organization representing 13,000 Catholic students.
“We have been at a cultural crossroads for a long time,” said Father Pacwa. He explained that relativism and the “ugly sisters” of individualism, pluralism and multiculturalism are trends in our culture to remove the evidence of our Christian roots and the influence of Christianity in the U.S. and western society.
According to Father Pacwa, the first “ugly sister,” individualism, is the idea that the individual is more important than any community or group. It exaggerates the importance of personal rights and freedom to the extent that “no community has the right to tell the individual what to do.” This viewpoint conflicts with the truth that each person is created in the image and likeness of God, and the community has a vital role in ensuring that the dignity of each person is honored. Individualism is what allows the acceptance of abortion as a legal and personal choice, he said.
The second “ugly sister” is pluralism. Father Pacwa described pluralism as individuals joining together to form special interest groups whose agendas have priority over just about everything else. Rather than engaging in reasoned discussion with others who have different points of view, those in the group often claim to be “victims,” and those who disagree are seen as oppressors. For example, upholding the Christian understanding of marriage can be labeled as “homophobic,” he said.
When discussing the third “ugly sister” of multiculturalism, Father Pacwa was careful to distinguish it from cultural diversity. Cultural diversity is the appreciation of the different heritages that make up America’s melting pot, but with the underlying premise that we are united with common national values. This understanding fosters patriotism, respect for the law and a willingness to die to protect others.
In contrast, multiculturalism proposes that all manifestations of culture are equally valid and should be tolerated. Society becomes divided into subgroups that preserve their separation, compete with each other, and do not wish to identify with a shared American experience. The result is a loss of appreciation for the cultural achievements of America and a growing ignorance of our historical origins. An example is the “watering down” of the understanding of the influence of theological thought in the establishment of our country.
Pacwa said relativism is the umbrella that shields these “ugly sisters” from the challenges of reason and logic. Pope Benedict XVI has warned against the philosophy of relativism, which proposes that every idea is equally valid, there is no absolute truth, and people are free to define their own personal truths. Therefore, if each person is free to define what is true, there is no standard to judge “good” and “evil.” In addition, if truth is relative, then honesty is irrelevant because you cannot challenge what another defines as truth.
Relativism can make public discourse impossible because there is no common basis for truth or agreement on common values. Father Pacwa concluded, “Ultimately a relativistic society must become a society where might makes right.” That is, because there is no agreement on moral values, people impose their will on others through power, deceit, inducement of feelings of guilt or fraud.
After painting a bleak picture of contemporary society and its move toward secular atheism, Father Pacwa assured the audience that Catholics have a preeminent role in countering relativism and the “ugly sisters.” First, Catholics have the truth, which is the person of Jesus Christ. This truth is the foundation we can cling to when we are tempted by these cultural trends.
Second, as the oldest and most experienced Christian faith, Catholicism has grappled with many moral issues throughout the years.
“We Catholics have a long and profound tradition of thinking,” Father Pacwa said. He believes we need to put our system of moral thought and reasoning to the service of our country with an attitude of humble responsibility.
Because God created each of us in his image, we have the responsibility of standing up for the truth by upholding and protecting the dignity of all.
“We can show the relativists how to be tolerant,” said Father Pacwa.
In addition, by sheer numbers, Catholics can be a powerful force for change. There are by far more Catholics, practicing and non-practicing, than any other organized religion. Acknowledging that many Catholics do not practice their faith or even know what the church teaches, Father Pacwa encouraged the audience to become informed so that they can counter these cultural trends with alternatives grounded in accurate history, logic, reason and the riches of our faith. This will bring holiness and goodness to our culture, he said.
Chris Smith, who recently graduated from Texas A&M University, found Father Pacwa’s message both enlightening and as a call to action.
“He brought a new perspective of thinking to St. Mary’s. He challenged us as students to use our intellect and to dive deep into the roots of relativism.”
Christine Williams, a senior, agreed, “He was a captivating speaker. I learned things about church history that I never knew I was missing.”


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Re: Absolute Relativism
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2012, 01:41:44 PM »
thank you for this post sir/bay!

Way sapayan, bai! :)

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