Author Topic: Call for tax boycott clear attempt to push back economic gains  (Read 520 times)

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Call for tax boycott clear attempt to push back economic gains
by Minerva BC Newman
Cebu City (27 June) -- The call for tax boycott made by former senator and human rights lawyer Rene Saguisag is an obvious attempt to weaken the economy, to shake the foundations of the government's leadership for them to easily move forward their agenda to seize power.
"Calling for a tax boycott is clear attempt to push back our economic gains, which have been reaping praises from various international and local business groups. The opposition will use all means to get back to power even if the whole nation lies in ruin," Palace Spokesperson Ignacio Bunye said in a statement to media.
Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña on his part rejected Saguisag's tax boycott call saying this is pure and simple politicking. "If the President is forced to comment on an illegally wiretapped tape, what about the rest of the us? Then the illegal wiretapped could be made legal," Osmeña commented.
He added that the two chambers have failed to do their primary functions, such as the act on the amendments of the Local Government Code. Osmeña also hit the senate and congress for waste of time and resources their probes on the jueteng and the "Gloriagate" tapes.
The efforts of the opposition to seize power have bore no fruits because despite the political noise hounding the country, investor confidence remains high and we can attribute this to the economic reform agenda of the President.
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has earlier made a call for a pause on political bickering and instead let us face the more pressing issue of the oil situation in the world market.
"No amount of political squabbling and bickering will ease the impact of an oil crisis, which could possibly be worse than what we have ever experienced in the past," Spokesperson Ignacio Bunye said.
Bunye assured the public that the Arroyo government remains focused on finding ways to cushion the impact of oil price hikes such as the discounts for public utility vehicles, lifeline power rates for household users and the government's relentless efforts to realize the President's energy independence and reform package.
Meanwhile, the Dept. of Energy (DOE) assured consumers that the impact of the Value-Added Tax Reform Act on oil would be substantially less than 10%.
In a press statement, Energy Secretary Raphael Lotilla explained that the removal of the excise tax on diesel, kerosene and fuel oil had considerably brought down the impact of VAT. Lotilla clarified that the 10% VAT will not be fully passed on to oil products because the government has already adapted mitigating measures to reduce the impact.
Secretary Lotilla added, the government had already put in place project initiatives to reduce the country's dependence on imported oil through harnessing indigenous sources of power i.e. coco diesel, CNG, wind propelled generators, geothermal, hydro and coal powered plants and others.
The paramount issue of the day is for the Filipinos to unite and face the energy crises with one mind and concerted action. (PIA-Cebu)

John 3:16-18 ESV
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son (Jesus Christ), that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.

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